Sunday, October 21, 2007

TAGGED! Power of Five (?)

Just found out that I have been tagged for this meme by Foodie Lianne .

5 things found in my room
Hidden and forgotten stash of junk food
Piles of half-read magazines
Piles of flyers (don’t know why I kept them in the first place)
Random pictures of family and friends
8ft tall cabinet filled with seldom-used make-up, skincare items and perfumes

5 things I’ve always wanted to do
Host a 3-course (at least) home-cooked gourmet dinner (ceh….)
Learn proper skills of sugar-crafting/cake-icing
Learn a foreign language (French, Japanese or Korean)
Have a LONG vacation, preferably somewhere near the Mediterranean or Southern France region.
Basic HTML programming (
to revamp/redesign my blog. My current blog layout is so, so boring...)

5 things found in my bag
Makeup pouch
A bottle of water (I drink like a fish)

5 things found in my wallet
Bank cards (ATM and Credit)
IC and Driving License
Various membership cards (some may be expired)
Forgotten discount vouchers

5 things I'm currently into
My adorable doggie and all about dogs, miniature schnauzers
“Gym-ning” ("LM nut)
All about food (i.e., TV programmes such as Asian Food Channel, baking/cooking books, etc)
Detoxification (but sadly, there has been no action as yet)
Self-pampering (spa, massages, pedicure)

I think most floggers out there have been tagged. So to any bloggers out there who are interested in this meme, do play along...

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